
ALPINA donates 22,400 Euros

Donations presented to “Buchloer Tafel”  charity and the Buchloe nursing home

During the five days of festivities celebrating the 50th anniversary of ALPINA, 11,200 Euros were raised for charity. The funds were raised by auctioning an ALPINA scale model milled from a solid block of aluminium as well as from the proceeds of the Pizza truck sales, sponsored by Dr. Oetker.

Since social responsibility is a significant pillar of the Buchloe-based company’s corporate philosophy, the decision to raise funds for a local project was made prior to the anniversary celebrations. In addition, the ALPINA management doubled the funds raised to a total of 22,400 Euros. Managing Directors Burkard, Andreas and Florian Bovensiepen proudly presented two cheques to the amount of 11,200 Euros each to Mrs. Hella Mehl of the “Buchloer Tafel” charity, to Mrs. Birgit König of the Buchloe nursing home as well as to the district treasurer, Mr. Robert Pöschl.