Important Warning!

Currently there are spam e-mails in circulation pretending to be sent out by ALPINA. We are therefore asking you to be particularly vigilant to protect yourself from fraudulent e-mails.

- We will only contact you if you have explicitly requested us to do so. We will answer your enquiries or send you the ALPINA newsletter if you have expressly given us the permission to do so (in accordance with the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR); for further information see If you have not been in contact with the ALPINA team in advance, we will not send you any e-mails.

- If you have identified a spam message, please do not click on the links in this e-mail or open its attachments: You could activate malware!

- If you have clicked on a link in a spam e-mail or opened an attachment, we recommend that you check your computer for malware. If necessary, consult an IT expert.

- The European Network and Information Security Agency (ENISA) provides valuable tips on cybersecurity:

Please remain vigilant. To verify the authenticity of an e-mail you can also contact the ALPINA team via telephone +49 8241 5005-0.